Letters to the Editor: October 4, 2024

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Rule apply to all

Regarding Johanne Nichols’s letter to the editor Cyclists should be licenced, insured (Sept. 28).

What sort of testing and training should a prospective cyclist have to obtain a bicycle driver’s licence? I will gladly complete a written and technical examination today, as the Highway Traffic Act applies to bicyclists, motorists, pedestrians, and anyone operating a conveyance of any sort on a public roadway.

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Regarding insurance, Ontario has complex legislation regarding insurance coverage for any sort of vehicle, so creating a category for cyclists alone would be cost-prohibitive and would cost operators of all types of vehicles far more than the exorbitant amounts they already pay.

As a motorist, pedestrian, and cyclist, I do carry my own insurance. It’s called life insurance.

K. Humphries, London

Subsidies unfair

A lot of countries think they can fix any problem with subsidies. When you throw tax dollars at manufacturing, farming or pipelines it puts those competing against them as a disadvantage.

Eventually the debt created by subsidies has to be paid, by you and me.

Ken Faust, Mitchell

Parking warning

Customers should be aware of aggressive begging, people checking inside parked cars and vandalism to cars in the Oakridge Superstore parking lot.

I have experienced all of these at this location recently. I had my passenger side back door deliberately scratched recently, with a repair cost of $2,500.

With the days becoming shorter, please be aware of your surroundings.

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RJ Wheeler, London

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Make takers givers

Regarding the article Tone deaf: Board asks staff to donate to support programs after $39K retreat flap (Sept. 27).

Let me suggest a few ways the Thames Valley Education Foundation can receive financial support.

Perhaps the following people can make voluntary payroll deductions to the foundation:

  • The 17 top administrators from Thames Valley school board who received double-digit pay increases in 2023.
  • The education director who received a 15 per cent raise and who is now home on paid leave.
  • The 18 senior board officials who participated in the $39,000 retreat can contribute their reimbursement cheque.

Sandra Brown, London

Too much spending

Ontario families are struggling but Doug Ford shows no restraint on spending.

Our $400 billion debt is the highest, per-capita, of any province but, to woo Toronto voters, Ford plans a new Highway 413 at a cost $4 billion and a costly pipe-dream tunnel under Highway 401. Where will he get the money?

More borrowing while his 2024 budget has a shortfall of $6 billion? What happened to Ford’s promise to lower Ontario’s income tax rates?

Peter J. Middlemore Sr., Windsor

The London Free Press welcomes letters to the editor (preferably 150 words or fewer). Letters should be emailed to lfp.letters@sunmedia.ca. Please include your name, place of residence (town or city and province) and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for length or clarity.

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