Category: Health care
Ontario election: A deepening doctor shortage is now ‘more than a crisis’
More than 2.5 million Ontarians are without a family doctor, the entry-point for patients into the publicly funded health care system.
Stay home, get better: London hospitals push virtual care for some patients
Londonâs hospitals are making a push to bring some outpatient appointments in-home.Â
Rural community health centre to Queen’s Park: Our workers need more pay
A Southwestern Ontario community health centre is raising concerns over wage disparity between workers in its sector versus other branches of the health care system.
Health care updates coming to the Kawartha Lakes and Peterborough areas
In a report released at the beginning of this year, the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) revealed that rural Ontarians are losing health care providers at a rate of 12 … Continued
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Baranyai: Quebec proposal takes health care rationing to new level
If trying to lure doctors to a community smells desperate, reassigning them has the stench of battlefield medicine, Robin Baranyai argues.
Letters to the Editor: October 19, 2024
Stop cutting the ‘ounce of prevention’
Grey forecasted to grow faster than the county predicted
While Grey County growth plans must consider impacts on schools by Ontario legislation, there’s no provincial requirement to consider impacts on health care. That should change, West Grey Mayor Kevin Eccles told Grey County council at its regular meeting Thursday, and county staff agreed. “Publicly funded health care I think may be even more fundamental […]
LHSC needs additional $99M from province to prevent cuts: Unions
A new report by a provincial health-care workersâ union estimates Londonâs largest hospital needs an additional $99 million from the province just to maintain the status quo.Â
Children’s Hospital teaming up with Shriners to improve orthopedic care
London’s Children’s Hospital is joining forces with a Montreal hospital to improve care for children with bone diseases in Southwestern Ontario. Childrenâs Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre and Shriners Hospitals for Children Canada (SHC Canada) was set to announce a new affiliation agreement at a news conference in London on Friday. The collaboration will […]
For boy with rare bone disease, new Children’s Hospital clinic a game-changer
The “first of its kind” partnership brings specialized care closer to home for families in the region who otherwise must travel long distances to get treatment.