Great Lakes Now Lake Erie

A Decade After Crisis, Algal Blooms Persist | Great Lakes Now

8 min read

A Decade After Crisis, Algal Blooms Persist

On August 2, it will be 10 years since officials in Toledo alerted residents in the early morning hours not to drink, bathe in or otherwise come into contact with tap water from the Collins Park Water Treatment Plant. For nearly three days chaos reigned, as bottled water sold out that first day before dawn and disappeared from shelves in the region the next day.

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London Free Press

Legionnaire’s disease: Cases in London outbreak rise to 20, 10 in hospital

3 min read

An outbreak of legionnaires’ disease in London has put 10 people, among 20 confirmed cases, in hospital as public health officials continue to track its source. Patients in hospital are receiving varying degrees of treatment from intravenous antibiotics to being intubated, Joanne Kearon, associate medical officer of health for the Middlesex-London health unit, said Thursday. […]

Lucknow Sentinel

Huron County hospitals receive $3.8M from province

2 min read

The Ontario government is investing $3,822,936 into local hospitals in Huron County to deliver faster and more connected care. This funding is part of the province’s investment of an additional $965 million through the 2024 Ontario Budget to help Ontario’s publicly funded hospitals meet the needs of the communities they serve, a press release from […]

Great Lakes Now

Former state toxicologist says nitrate drinking water standards are too lax | Great Lakes Now

8 min read

Former state toxicologist says nitrate drinking water standards are too lax

By Henry Redman, Wisconsin Examiner

A former Wisconsin state toxicologist who was involved in creating the state’s nitrate standards for drinking water in the 1980s alleges the science that has informed those standards for decades is deeply flawed and the standards should be stricter.

Dave Belluck, who worked as a toxicologist for multiple states and the federal government, says that “the science is the science” and regulating agencies, including the U.S.

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