Clean Technica Research

25% of Americans Avoiding Tesla Tech Because of Elon Musk

4 min read

Three things are no secret: 1) Elon Musk benefits more than any other individual from Tesla’s success, 2) Elon Musk has gotten extremely involved in political matters (emphasis on “extremely”), and 3) many people won’t buy Tesla products because of those first two facts. New research from JW Surety Bonds … [continued]

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Clean Technica

Tesla Supercharging: The New (NACS) Era

8 min read

I’ve driven my Tesla Model 3 for over 5 years now. I’ve made over 10 cross-country trips, including the 3000-mile round trip from northern Utah to northern Wisconsin 5 times, a 2000-mile detour to Charlotte, North Carolina (East Coast), and an 800-mile round trip from northern Utah to Palm Springs … [continued]

The post Tesla Supercharging: The New (NACS) Era appeared first on CleanTechnica.

Clean Technica

Peak EV Fast Charging Is Up 50%, And So Are EV Fast Chargers

4 min read

Naturally, electric vehicle sales have gone up this year, as we’ve reported, and there are certainly a lot more electric vehicles on the road than there were a year ago. Sales numbers are just sales numbers, though. Is there evidence of a lot more electric vehicle charging? Yes, there is! … [continued]

The post Peak EV Fast Charging Is Up 50%, And So Are EV Fast Chargers appeared first on CleanTechnica.