Owen Sound Owen Sound Sun Times

Apartment and townhouse proponent seeks city rezoning

7 min read

A rezoning application to permit apartment buildings as part of a larger development in Owen Sound awaits a city staff recommendation, now that a public meeting was held Monday night. Tenth Avenue Estates is a proposed 85-unit life-lease residential development which is to include 22 townhouses and two apartment buildings — one 3 ½ storeys containing 29 units, […]

Great Lakes Now

This SCOTUS decision may make it harder to protect Michigan air and water | Great Lakes Now

6 min read

This SCOTUS decision may make it harder to protect Michigan air and water

This article was republished here with permission from Planet Detroit.

By Brian Allnutt, Planet Detroit

  • The Supreme Court Chevron decision overturned a federal law principle requiring courts to defer to agencies’ interpretations of ambiguous laws.
  • The ruling could jeopardize federal rules designed to address things like PFAS pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

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