Great Lakes Echo Water

Harnessing mussels to filter fresh water: A biological cure for contaminants is being studied | Great Lakes Echo

9 min read

By Amalia Medina Water tanks line a room in Philadelphia’s Water Works on the bank of the Schuylkill River. Inside are small fish that are hosts to tiny organisms that researchers say can help solve polluted waterways. Tucked under the fish gills are microscopic mussels that will mature and become capable of filtering 10 to […]

The post Harnessing mussels to filter fresh water: A biological cure for contaminants is being studied first appeared on Great Lakes Echo.

London Free Press

‘Dangerous’ storms could lead to tornadoes in London region: Warning

2 min read

The London region could see severe thunderstorms that may lead to tornadoes throughout the day on Saturday. Environment Canada issued a severe thunderstorm watch for London and other parts of Southwestern Ontario including portions of Middlesex, Oxford and Perth counties. “Conditions are favourable for the development of severe thunderstorms, which may produce tornadoes. Strong winds, […]

Owen Sound Owen Sound Sun Times

City’s new downtown cameras to be installed and operational by the end of September

7 min read

In the days after Owen Sound business owner Sharif Rahman was assaulted outside his downtown restaurant last summer police released grainy images of two suspects and an early-2000s-model SUV. The caucasian men, both wearing what look to be black athletic shorts with one in a light orange T-shirt and one in a light blue T-shirt, […]

Great Lakes Echo

Great Lakes Echo founder retires | Great Lakes Echo

6 min read

Dave Poulson, the founder and editor of the Knight Center’s award-winning environmental news service, has retired after more than 21 years on the MSU Journalism School faculty. We at the Knight Center miss him already. Poulson, a professor of practice, spearheaded the center’s initiatives to boost diversity among environmental journalism students and practitioners, securing grant […]

The post Great Lakes Echo founder retires first appeared on Great Lakes Echo.