Great Lakes Now

Groundwater: Who’s in charge? | Great Lakes Now

6 min read

Groundwater: Who’s in charge?

In the early 2000s a movement to address the plight of the heavily polluted and long neglected Great Lakes started to gain traction.

The goal was to bring the gravitas of the federal government to the issue and in 2004 President George W. Bush signed an executive order declaring the lakes a “national treasure.” An interagency task force was established to bring together the disparate efforts of various federal programs who had been working independently on Great Lakes issues.

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London Free Press

Stacked townhouses, higher buildings in, single-family homes out: Mayor

6 min read

London’s skyline could see dramatic changes both in the city’s busiest districts and its neighbourhoods as city councillors approved sweeping changes to the city’s master planning document. The 13-1 vote at Tuesday’s city council meeting opens the door to 45-storey apartment towers downtown and four-storey stacked townhouses on neighbourhood “connector” streets, a designation the city […]

London Free Press

Hail, torrential rain, then a funnel cloud: Festival goers transfixed

2 min read

Hail, torrential rain and a funnel cloud over Brantford were all part of a sudden change in weather Saturday night. After a brief hail- and rainstorm disrupted the Grand River Arts Festival on the grounds of Glenhyrst Art Gallery around suppertime Saturday, Brantford’s Bob Yuhasz saw a group of people looking skyward. “I thought, ‘Oh, […]