Clean Technica

Cleantech Needs A Defense From Burial In Bullshit

6 min read

The last couple of weeks has been a whirlwind. Fortunately, at least for my own mental health, I was taking some time off to prep an older truck for transportation duty while I started the long process of building an electric Suburban. But, that doesn’t mean I wasn’t checking in … [continued]

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Clean Technica

Introducing GeoBridge, a New Launch Point for Geothermal Information

5 min read

A New Web Portal Developed by NREL and DOE Connects More Communities to Geothermal If you have ever struggled to find geothermal degree programs, conferences, trade associations, tax incentives, or other geothermal information, you are not alone. “The geothermal industry has been around for decades and is a well-established community … [continued]

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Grey County Owen Sound Owen Sound Sun Times

GB Arts co-founder says Grey County breaking makerspace promise

5 min read

Grey County’s Sydenham Campus “makerspace” is competing with Georgian Bay School of the Arts and could put it out of business, the GB Arts’ co-founder said. Alan McIntosh said the makerspace within Grey County’s regional skills training hub is breaking a county promise to not run arts and craft courses, which are his GB Arts’ […]