Owen Sound Sun Times

Paisley 150th Homecoming running July 12-14

3 min read

The village of Paisley is gearing up for a big homecoming celebration this weekend.  The Arran-Elderslie community that was incorporated in 1874 will mark its 150th anniversary with a full lineup of entertainment and events beginning Friday evening and running until Sunday.  The festivities kick off late Friday afternoon with a volleyball tournament at 5 p.m. […]

Great Lakes Now Michigan

Beaver Island takes early steps to test wave energy in its waters | Great Lakes Now

4 min read

Beaver Island takes early steps to test wave energy in its waters

By Izzy Ross, Interlochen Public Radio

This coverage is made possible through a partnership with IPR and Grist, a nonprofit independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.

A project off the shore of Beaver Island could harness the power of Lake Michigan’s waves to generate renewable energy.

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Great Lakes Now

This SCOTUS decision may make it harder to protect Michigan air and water | Great Lakes Now

6 min read

This SCOTUS decision may make it harder to protect Michigan air and water

This article was republished here with permission from Planet Detroit.

By Brian Allnutt, Planet Detroit

  • The Supreme Court Chevron decision overturned a federal law principle requiring courts to defer to agencies’ interpretations of ambiguous laws.
  • The ruling could jeopardize federal rules designed to address things like PFAS pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Read Now at Great Lakes Now.

London Free Press

Amid city hall overhaul, adjacent apartment tenants ask: What about us?

6 min read

Will the redevelopment of London’s city hall campus affect the apartments at the Centennial House building next door? It’s unlikely any time soon, but the uncertainty is giving some tenants anxiety. The city’s plan to redevelop the city-owned land, which includes city hall at 300 Dufferin Ave., Centennial Hall, Reg Cooper Square, and the Centennial […]