Owen Sound Owen Sound Sun Times

Man receives conditional sentence for aggravated assault

2 min read

A 62-year-old Owen Sound man pleaded guilty to aggravated assault for pushing a 38-year-old woman down the fire escape at his apartment and he received an 18-month conditional sentence.  Austin Soucoup pleaded guilty and was sentenced June 17 in Owen Sound’s Superior Court of Justice, court staff confirmed.  Soucoup’s lawyer, Anya Shahabi, confirmed her client […]

Owen Sound lawyer bows out after 45 years

Doug Grace closed his Owen Sound law practice on Dec. 31 after a 45-year legal career. He’s a former federal prosecutor and president of the Grey County Criminal Lawyers’ Association. His was a general law practice, with his share of high-profile local criminal defence cases, plus real estate, corporate and commercial, civil work. He said […]