London Free Press

Legionnaire’s disease: Cases in London outbreak rise to 20, 10 in hospital

3 min read

An outbreak of legionnaires’ disease in London has put 10 people, among 20 confirmed cases, in hospital as public health officials continue to track its source. Patients in hospital are receiving varying degrees of treatment from intravenous antibiotics to being intubated, Joanne Kearon, associate medical officer of health for the Middlesex-London health unit, said Thursday. […]

London Free Press

Five key things to know about legionnaires’ disease

2 min read

Public health officials in London are investigating a rare outbreak of legionnaires’ disease. What you need to know about the rare respiratory illness. WHAT IS IT? Legionnaires’ disease is a rare but serious respiratory illness that can result in pneumonia, which can sometimes be fatal. It is caused by a type of bacteria called legionella, […]