Great Lakes Echo

Oaks under threat from invading insects, warming temperatures, disease | Great Lakes Echo

4 min read

By Eric Freedman Capital News Service The mighty oak may be in trouble in the Great Lakes region – and climate change is largely to blame. A mix of factors is in play, including rising temperatures, more severe and intense rainstorms, increasing susceptibility to plant-eating animals and vulnerability to disease-causing microorganisms, a new study from […]

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Great Lakes Now Michigan

Great Lakes Moment: Mink thriving along the Detroit River | Great Lakes Now

7 min read

Great Lakes Moment: Mink thriving along the Detroit River

Great Lakes Moment is a monthly column written by Great Lakes Now Contributor John Hartig. Publishing the author’s views and assertions does not represent endorsement by Great Lakes Now or Detroit PBS.

From a distance, I caught a glimpse of a relatively small elongated furry animal moving along the shoreline of the Detroit River.

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London Free Press

Addiction treatment a life-saver for hospital patients with heart infections: Study

8 min read

Hospitals can save lives by providing addiction treatment to patients suffering heart infections, a first-of-its-kind study in London and Regina has concluded. The same study found that women, and urban women in particular, who inject drugs die at a higher rate than men from the heart valve infection called endocarditis. Pregnant women and their babies […]