Politicians skip ‘punitive’ move amid homeless-sent-to-London speculation

City politicians are taking steps to stop homeless people from being sent to London against their will or under false pretenses, although how much that’s happening remains a question mark. But council members stepped back Wednesday from measures that would punish non-profit organizations and individual workers who send people to London, measures criticized by a […]

In 10-4 vote, city council approves groundbreaking homeless plan

London’s homeless hubs plan is one step closer to reality. London city council approved the plan’s principles and next steps at its meeting Tuesday evening, late in a marathon session that lasted nearly nine hours. In a 10-4 vote, council directed staff to begin determining the locations of the first five hubs and the agencies […]

Everything you need to know about London’s homeless hubs plan

London’s first homeless hubs won’t be near parks, elementary schools, child care centres, splash pads or wading pools, or inside residential neighbourhoods, says a soon-to-be-released plan for their implementation. Instead, the first hubs would be located on major roads and transit routes, with none of those placed in Old East Village, the Dundas Street downtown […]