Safe ‘n Sound now open all day and night to meet need

The first night that Safe ‘n Sound drop-in centre in Owen Sound was open overnight this fall, 23 people came. It was Wednesday, the day after a snowstorm hit Grey-Bruce on Halloween night. The next night 15 people showed up. For 15 years, Safe ‘n Sound has run a drop-in centre for homeless people and […]

Walk for OSHaRE Friday to help feed those in need

There’s still time to support Owen Sound Hunger and Relief Effort’s annual fundraising walk Friday afternoon, then tour a new food-sharing hub downtown. OSHaRE gives free meals to hundreds of people twice a day, six days a week in downtown Owen Sound. It aims to raise about $350,000 every year, said Colleen Trask-Seaman, the charitable […]

Sally Ann is seeing unprecedented demand for help

Local demand for emergency food aid has never been so great, the Owen Sound Salvation Army food bank co-ordinator said Friday. In a week when owners of Kelseys restaurant donated about 1,100 pounds of frozen meat to the food bank after a fire Tuesday, Alice Wannan said that food will be “hugely impactful for the […]

In 10-4 vote, city council approves groundbreaking homeless plan

London’s homeless hubs plan is one step closer to reality. London city council approved the plan’s principles and next steps at its meeting Tuesday evening, late in a marathon session that lasted nearly nine hours. In a 10-4 vote, council directed staff to begin determining the locations of the first five hubs and the agencies […]