Letters to the Editor: August 17, 2024

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Stop messing with our streets, council

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Stop messing with our streets, council

You get a few bicycle riders complaining to city hall about Hamilton Road and without any kind of survey to justify changes, council decided to send it to committee to reduce Hamilton Road to three lanes from the present four lanes.

London already has ruined Wavell Street, made a complete mess of a large section of Cheapside Street and these are just two that I personally know of. It seems that this council won’t be happy until this city comes to a complete stop.

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I drive Hamilton Road often and see very few cyclists, same on Cheapside and Wavell streets. We have many obstructions now without the council, which is supposed to help citizens, putting up more hazards.

This city is full of speed bumps and lane narrowing now, time to stop this madness.

J. White, London

Why allow more migrant workers?

With our unemployment rate currently sitting at 6.4 per cent, why are migrant workers still brought into Canada to do so many jobs, including those on farms?

Farmers are desperate to have dependable workers pick, clean and package crops, many of which have had to be destroyed because they could not be harvested.

Canadian workers would already be eligible for healthcare benefits, housing and most importantly, know the language so that they cannot be taken advantage of my their employers.

Yes, I know for certain many employers are taking advantage of migrant workers because they do not know the laws of Canada, or the language.

It is time our government stopped supporting the thousands of able-bodied men and women collecting EI benefits and social assistance and put them to work.

And yes, I am aware there are many who would not qualify or be capable of doing farm work, working in health-care facilities, or even private homes, but there are still thousands who can.

Genevieve Grech, London

Leave Byron landowner alone

What’s with this city? The conservancy group continues to prosecute Tom McLeod, a longtime octogenarian taxpayer and property owner on Halls Mills Road.

He removed an old red barn and then was compelled to clean up the boards and timbers by hand. Now the city is worried about a rubble foundation that no longer acts as a foundation.

Maybe McLeod should hire Michael Lerner Sr. as has success is scaring the Gators out of the zealous civic do-good team. Gators or haters?

We should leave this senior citizen in sleepy Byron well enough alone.

Robert Webb, London

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Amateur sports must set criteria

If amateur sports groups like the International Olympic Committee cannot establish definitive criteria to differentiate between men and women, it will become a ridiculous farce and it will hurt all sports with ongoing debates and rewriting of world, Olympic and national records.

Andy McGuigan, London

Speed limits a joke to some drivers

About two years ago, the City of Brantford completed a study regarding speeding on Wayne Gretzky Parkway and Colborne Street East.

It determined excessive speeding was a major issue that required addressing.

Among the suggestions to deal with this serious problem was procuring speed cameras to be positioned in random locations. An excellent and seemingly essential remedy.

Fast forward to July 2024, and recognize that the problem on Colborne Street East has greatly worsened, with no solution evident.

Locate yourself near a digital speed warning display, and see how many drivers obey the speed limit: definitely a small percentage.

One could legitimately ask: “Where are the police?”, but it must be pointed out that an officer issuing tickets for speeding is inefficient and ineffective.

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For every speeder caught, innumerable others escape detection and penalty. The only solution is to deploy speed cameras in various locations around the city.

I’m no fan of “Big Brother” government, but a vast number of motorists drive with impunity and a sense of entitlement.

Speed limits are a joke to these buffoons, who endanger pedestrians, cyclists and law-abiding drivers.

It’s time to quell this madness and seriously penalize the reckless dimwits who blatantly ignore speed limits designed to promote public safety.

John Harley Whitlock, Brantford

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Accusation was indefensible

Regarding Ilana Guslits’ letter, Questionable guest (Aug. 9)

Guslits makes the indefensible accusation that Israel has stolen its own ancestral land – an obscene suggestion.

The Jewish connection to the land of Israel is ancient and well-documented, and Jewish presence in the region has been continuous, even through exile and persecution.

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Instead of relying on bellicose rhetoric accusing Israel of stealing its own ancestral lands, Guslits would do better to recognize that Israel has extensive legal and historical rights to its territory.

Despite its rights, Israel has time and again extended its hand in peace to the Palestinians, only to have such entreaties rejected in favour of violence and terrorism.

Trying to rewrite history only helps fuel this blind hatred of Israel’s right to exist.

Robert Walker, Toronto

Buying careers with our money

Politicians grab big chunks of people’s earnings, then divert attention by blaming food corporations for the reason that people cannot meet their needs.

Leave more money in our hands and stop using it to buy photo ops and then housing, etc., will become more affordable.

Stop sending our money overseas, keep it here so we can heal each other.

Mega millions to buy a job, then tariffs to prevent more cost-effective imports so the decisions will not be shown as stupid.

How much does official bilingualism cost us? This flies in the face of the multilingual society we have.

Nothing will change. They are all just trying to buy their careers using our wallets.

Howard Hare, Tillsonburg

The London Free Press welcomes letters to the editor (preferably 150 words or fewer). Letters should be emailed to lfp.letters@sunmedia.ca. Please include your name, place of residence (town or city and province) and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for length or clarity.

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