Good Samaritan stabbed by attacker named to London’s 2025 honour list

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London’s annual goodwill roll call has an unusual addition this year — a bystander who was stabbed while protecting an elderly grocery store employee in a robbery.

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London’s annual goodwill roll call has an unusual addition this year — a bystander who was stabbed while protecting an elderly grocery store employee in a robbery.

Mayor Josh Morgan released his 2025 New Year’s honour list that recognizes exceptional individuals and organizations for their achievement and contributions to London. The categories range from accessibility to the arts, environment, heritage and sports.

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“These honourees exemplify the spirit of community, collaboration, and care that defines London,” Morgan said in a statement Tuesday. “Their outstanding contributions have a lasting impact on our city, and I am thrilled to recognize their achievements.”

Though Londoners are typically honoured for accolades such as advocacy and community work, this year resident Mike Bessegato is being honoured for his “extraordinary courage” for intervening in a violent altercation at a London grocery store in July.

Bessegato placed himself between a younger male trying to steal items and a 72-year-old employee. Bessegato restrained the attacker, who pulled a knife and stabbed him several times. Bessegato suffered serious injuries, including a collapsed lung.

The mayor’s office confirmed the incident in question happened on July 23, with the suspect being arrested two days later.

Mike’s selfless actions undoubtedly prevented a tragedy, protecting both the store employee and the public from further violence,” the city’s citation said. “His bravery in the face of danger is a testament to the power of ordinary citizens stepping up in extraordinary circumstances.”

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Council names recipients on the recommendation of advisory committees or community organizations through council’s standing committees. This year’s honourees are:

  • Jacqueline Madden (accessibility)
  • Diane MacMillan (age friendly)
  • Clark Bryan (arts)
  • Claire Crooks (distinguished Londoner)
  • George Kerhoulas (distinguished Londoner)
  • Jim Chapman (distinguished Londoner)
  • Mike Bessegato (distinguished Londoner)
  • Sheldon Carter (distinguished Londoner)
  • Tyler Stewart (distinguished Londoner)
  • Hetham Karky (diversity and race relations)
  • Shaquille Sealy (environment)
  • Maureen Spencer Golovchenko (heritage)
Clark Bryan
Clark Bryan, executive and artistic director of The Aeolian Performing Arts Centre. (Postmedia Network file photo)

Londoners may well recognize several other names, including Bryan, the executive director of Aeolian Hall who purchased the performing arts centre in Old East Village in 2004.

Chapman has been a fixture on the local music scene since performing his first gig in 1964. He created and organized a series of concerts for seniors in 2024 in the latest chapter of a career that includes stints operating a booking company and a studio. He is an author and was a radio and TV personality from 1992 to 2012.

Kerhoulas is a commercial realtor with Cushman Wakefield who has served on many boards and commissions. He is a member of Fanshawe College’s board of governors and president of the Grand Theatre board.

Crooks, a groundbreaking scholar at Western University and champion for youth mental health, was posthumously honoured after she died in June at age 50. Stewart, a mental health advocate better known to London as the Green Ranger, was honoured, as was Sealy, a co-executive director of ReForest London, and Carter, president of Digital Extremes and co-creator of Epic Games.

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The annual mayor’s honour list began in 1976 focused on recognizing contributions to the arts. Over time, the list has added new categories such as diversity and race relations, environment, heritage, humanitarianism, accessibilit  and distinguished Londoner  to recognize outstanding contributions to community collaboration or acts of goodwill.


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