London’s first homeless hubs won’t be near parks, elementary schools, child care centres, splash pads or wading pools, or inside…
PHOTOS: Belfast balladeers perform in downtown London
Belfast, Northern Ireland musicians Ciara O’Neill and Niall McDowell performed this weekend at London’s Home County Music and Art Festival…
‘I lied’: Accused’s ex-girlfriend recants prior statement at hit-and-run trial
Her recall is often cloudy, she told the Crown, even about the night her ex-boyfriend called her in a panic…
‘Tiny homes’ project denied $8M federal grant, builders remain hopeful
A social agency in St. Thomas is back to the drawing board after a federal program denied its $8 million…
Owen Sound hospital emergency department being renovated
The emergency department at the Owen Sound hospital is undergoing renovations. Services will remain available with the department remaining open…