Standpipe sandblasting underway in Lucknow

Lucknow residents could be dealing with excessive noise as workers complete sandblasting of the standpipe as part of the ongoing water tower project. According to a release issued by the Township of Huron-Kinloss, crews are working seven days a week from May 29 until June 18 to sandblast and paint the standpipe.  The Township warns […]

Couple bequeaths $273K to Wingham hospital

The Wingham and District Hospital Foundation (WDHF) recently received $273,000 from the estate of former Wingham mayor Ian Moreland and his wife Peggy. According to the foundation, the Morelands moved from Scotland to Toronto in the 1950s, so Ian could lend his engineering expertise to Canada’s famed military jet, the Avro Arrow. When the government […]

Hospital auxiliary members honoured for years of service

The South Bruce Grey Health Centre Kincardine Hospital Auxiliary held its annual awards and desserts meeting on May 24 at the Kincardine Curling Club. During the meeting, awards committee convener Ginny Ross and Bessie Farrell presented members with certificates and carnations for their years of service with the auxiliary. Wilma Campbell has been a member […]

Busy season for Lucknow Kinsmen

As part of the rezoning regulations and official plan amendments at the Lucknow Kinsmen’s Graceland Fields, members of the Lucknow and District Kinsmen Club were recently busy planting 40 maple trees.  Also, a temporary fence for protection of nesting field birds was placed along the creek flowing through their Walter Street property.  As well, there […]

Meaford remains under emergency while awaiting water system test results

A declared emergency and  do not consume advisory for town water were still in effect for Meaford residents Wednesday as the municipality awaits further water test results. The town updated its emergency updates webpage at 11:27 a.m.  to confirm the do not consume advisory for residents using the municipal water system remains in place while […]