London Knights open season with ugly home-ice defeat

The London Knights’ season-opener was marred by a horrific middle frame in a 5-3 defeat to the Owen Sound Attack before 9,036 Friday at Budweiser Gardens. London was outscored 3-0, outshot 15-1 and the ice was tilted in the visitors’ favour for most of that unsettling 20 minutes. “It felt like we had nothing going,” […]

Owen Sound’s second-period surge key in opening night victory

For 20 minutes Friday, the Owen Sound Attack exceeded the wildest fever dream expectations of even the most hopeful among their fans. For 20 minutes they were near perfect and rode the wave to a win. The Attack scored three unanswered goals in the second period while holding the London Knights to a single shot […]

Owen Sound hears from municipal election candidates

Owen Sound voters got their first look at the candidates in the Oct. 24 municipal election Thursday night. Sixteen candidates for council introduced themselves and fielded questions in a packed room at the Harry Lumley-Bayshore Community Centre during a meeting organized by the Owen Sound & District Chamber of Commerce. Questions were directed at smaller […]