London Free Press

On-campus Western University protesters: We’re leaving

3 min read

Mere days shy of the two-month mark, the pro-Palestine encampment that has enflamed tensions on Western University’s campus is coming down, protesters say. The encampment – in place since May 8 – is being dismantled, members of the protest group, the Western Divestment Coalition, said on Saturday, roughly in line with the timeline demanded by […]

Entertainment London Free Press

Sunfest: A three-act music sampler from the London festival

5 min read

With nearly 50 acts performing on multiple stages, London’s Sunfest celebration of Canadian and international music in Victoria Park has something for everyone as it completes its four-day run this weekend. Reporter Beatriz Baleeiro caught three acts Friday for a taste of the tunes. THE ACT: KAZDOURA The Toronto-based band, which recently played the Toronto […]

London Free Press

Showdown looms at Western University protest encampment

6 min read

A clear-out ultimatum deadline now on them, pro-Palestinian protesters encamped at Western University for two months could be in for a showdown with the school after the weekend. Western has given the dug-in protesters until the end of Sunday to dismantle their encampment to avoid disciplinary action by the school against any students or employees […]