London Free Press

London police board spent $104K on PR firm to sell high-spending budget

8 min read

The London police board paid a prominent public relations firm more than $100,000 to help sell its controversial high-spending budget earlier this year, according to documents obtained by The Free Press. One city councillor called it “disturbing” to learn the board used taxpayers’ money to win support from the public and politicians for the $672-million, […]

London Free Press

Towers of Spite, Take 2: City politicians back more buildings on small lot

3 min read

Amid the housing crisis, city politicians have changed their tune on the so-called Towers of Spite. During Tuesday’s meeting of council’s planning committee, politicians unanimously voted to endorse adding more buildings to the lot at 2-4 Audrey Ave. and 186-188 Huron St., where four buildings now stand. The four tall, narrow rental buildings near Western […]