Great Lakes Now

Great Lakes Learning: The Science of Skiing | Great Lakes Now

3 min read

Great Lakes Learning: The Science of Skiing

This lesson will explore the phenomenon of friction on ski slopes in the Great Lakes, highlighting why some of the best ski hills are found in the Lake Superior region. Students will delve into the physics principles that enable skiing and snowboarding down a pre-historic volcano in the Keweenaw Peninsula, focusing on concepts like friction, slope ratings, and modeling motion on inclined planes.

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Owen Sound Owen Sound Sun Times

City council to limit scope of agenda items, revamp public question period

7 min read

Changes are coming to how business is conducted around council and committee tables in Owen Sound, including what items are tabled for discussion and how the public engages members. On Monday evening, after a lengthy debate, Owen Sound council approved several recommendations from the city’s corporate services committee from a review of the city’s procedural […]