Great Lakes Now

Nibi Chronicles: A conversation about Ojibwe history in Fur Trade Nation | Great Lakes Now

9 min read

Nibi Chronicles: A conversation about Ojibwe history in Fur Trade Nation

Editor’s Note: “Nibi Chronicles,” a monthly Great Lakes Now feature, is written by Staci Lola Drouillard. A direct descendant of the Grand Portage Band of Ojibwe, she lives and works in Grand Marais on Minnesota’s North Shore of Lake Superior. Her two books “Walking the Old Road: A People’s History of Chippewa City and the Grand Marais Anishinaabe” and “Seven Aunts” were published 2019 and 2022, and she is at work on a children’s story.

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London Free Press

Upper Thames seeks citizens to help with rain tracking: ‘Community science’

2 min read

Some volunteers have trickled in, but local conservation officials are seeking more participants to help  gather regional precipitation data. The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority – whose district including London covers about 3,500 square kilometres – is looking for people, particularly those living near St. Marys and the northern part of the watershed, to participate […]

Great Lakes Now Michigan

Cleaning up pollution and removing crumbling dams help to restore Michigan rivers | Great Lakes Now

8 min read

Cleaning up pollution and removing crumbling dams help to restore Michigan rivers

By Lester Graham, Michigan Public

The Great Lakes News Collaborative includes Bridge Michigan; Circle of Blue; Great Lakes Now at Detroit Public Television; Michigan Public, Michigan’s NPR News Leader; and The Narwhal who work together to bring audiences news and information about the impact of climate change, pollution, and aging infrastructure on the Great Lakes and drinking water.

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