Great Lakes Now Michigan

Michigan joins federal program that collects native flora and champions restoration | Great Lakes Now

6 min read

Michigan joins federal program that collects native flora and champions restoration

By Elinor Epperson, Michigan Public

The Great Lakes News Collaborative includes Bridge Michigan; Circle of Blue; Great Lakes Now at Detroit Public Television; Michigan Public, Michigan’s NPR News Leader; and The Narwhal who work together to bring audiences news and information about the impact of climate change, pollution, and aging infrastructure on the Great Lakes and drinking water.

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Agriculture Great Lakes Now Michigan

Cattle Production That Enhances Water and Environmental Quality | Great Lakes Now

7 min read

Cattle Production That Enhances Water and Environmental Quality

By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue

LAKE CITY, MI – Two facts about Michigan agriculture are scarcely recognized outside the fences and beyond the drainage ditches of the state’s 45,000 farms. The first: farming is among the most technologically sophisticated industrial sectors in Michigan and every other state.

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Great Lakes Now

PFAS Roundup: Government of Canada introduces potential plan for product-related PFAS regulation | Great Lakes Now

4 min read

PFAS Roundup: Government of Canada introduces potential plan for product-related PFAS regulation

Last month, the Government of Canada announced a plan to expand product-related regulations for per- and polyflourinated substances (PFAS). The Minister of Environment and Climate Change plus the Minister of Health are considering whether PFAS qualify for the Watch List under section 75.1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA).

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