A proposed 258-unit subdivision with two seven-storey towers in northwest Woodstock was rejected by Woodstock city council
New $23.5M school key piece of Thamesford’s 1,000-home growth: Mayor
With approved plans for a massive new subdivision in Thamesford, Queen’s Park is shelling out $23.5 million for a new…
Oxford County politicians dig in on higher-density housing
Oxford County council gives green-light to proposal that will add nearly three-dozen homes to the rural community of Tavistock.
Local politicians OK Woodstock’s industrial expansion plan: ‘Long time coming’
Oxford County politicians have pushed ahead a plan to rezone property in Woodstock's east end for an industrial subdivision.
What to know as Oxford County, Woodstock team up on homeless centre
Oxford County voted unanimously to join Woodstock in tackling homelessness throughout the county.