Letter to the Editor: Teeswater crokinole

It must have been the warm day that kept card & crokinole players from attending the Tuesday afternoon get together at the beautiful Town Hall in Teeswater.  There was a poor showing to say the least.  It was nice and cool inside but the crokinole action was “hot”.  As for the crokinole players that  attended […]

Legion corner

Saturday April 30 was the district darts tournament in Owen Sound, it was a good day for all who participated. In the singles play Dan Vanderveeken placed third over all. In doubles neither team placed in the money. They struggled a bit but did not progress to the play offs, overall it was a good […]

Purple Grove news

What a delight to drive in the countryside at this time of year and to see all the winter wheat so nice and green and the grass growing.  I see some folks have been mowing their lawns already.  AND, haven’t the daffodils been lovely this year.  Thanks to everyone who has planted them on the […]

Bervie W. I. report

Bervie Women’s Institute met via Zoom on May 4 with President Janice Hewitt opening the meeting with a reading “Daffodils”, O Canada, the Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. The roll call was answered with ways to prevent falls.  The minutes were read by Betty Jean White and the Treasurer’s report was given by Sandra […]

Letter to the Editor: Doing the right thing

I grew up in the sixties when Hippies walked around with peace signs; “Peace, no war”, and I can’t agree more. Some wars however have to be ended by military action in order to liberate those who have become the innocent victims under the oppression of power hungry leaders and dictators. The war in Ukraine […]

Letter to the Editor: Dig deeper, learn more

“How to convince people?” Dave Ireland South Bruce Business Association minutes, to be a willing host for the deep geological nuclear facility (DGR) for all of Canada’s high-level nuclear waste? “We want to ensure that we have healthcare within the community, we want to ensure that there is good services for the folks in our […]

Letter to the Editor: What is transparency?

“Commitment to transparency” ” The NWMO is committed to transparency.” This is what the NWMO states continually. Just what is this transparency? The public transparency seen is all the headlines noted in the newspapers, etc. Pictures and articles about the NWMO working in the community and giving lots of money to community groups/organizations to make […]

OPG​ in Bruce County – Community Update – May 2022

Connecting in person:  It was encouraging to see a strong delegation from the Bruce area at the recent Canadian Nuclear Association 2022 annual conference, a gathering themed “Together for Net Zero.” The municipalities of Kincardine, Saugeen Shores, Huron-Kinloss and Brockton were all represented. So were nuclear companies that operate in the Bruce area, including Ontario Power Generation (OPG), its […]

Letter to the Editor: Mental health week

You may have heard the term psychotherapist before, and did you know that Registered Nurses’ can also be psychotherapists?  Yes, not every nurse starts IV’s, or attends to traumas in the ER.  A lot of people have pretty specific ideas about what nurses do, but I’m here to tell you about a whole different role […]

Legion Corner

Little Peter and the Elegants were a great success! Our next event will be held May 7th, 2022, Shane Cook & The Woodchippers will be entertaining us! Tickets are available at the Fincher’s or on line at WWW.SHANECOOK.COM. $25 in advance or $30 at the door. The jackpot for Catch the Ace is growing by […]