Tag: Opinion
Huron Fringe Field Naturalists kick off new season with social event
By: Submitted The Huron Fringe Field Naturalists (HFFN) welcomed nearly 40 new and returning members to the 2022-2023 season of meetings and outings with a relaxed social event Sept. 10 at the home of new president Christine Roberts. Over a meal of fresh corn, hot dogs, and a bounty of shared dishes, the group took […]
Huron Fringe Field Naturalists kick off new season with social event
The Huron Fringe Field Naturalists (HFFN) welcomed nearly 40 new and returning members to the 2022-2023 season of meetings and outings with a relaxed social event Sept. 10 at the home of new president Christine Roberts. Over a meal of fresh corn, hot dogs, and a bounty of shared dishes, the group took pleasure in […]
Bervie W.I. Report
President Janice Hewitt opened the Bervie Women’s Institute meeting at Bervie United Church on Sept. 7 with the poem “September”, followed by O Canada, the Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Twelve members and five guests answered the roll call which was, “Do you worry about I.D. theft and how do you avoid it.” Many […]
LETTER: Illegal taxi services hindering legitimate business
Open letter to the Municipality of Kincardine: I am writing to you in regards to the ad posted on Kincardine Strong (Facebook page) on Friday, Sept. 2, 2022. (An individual) was offering taxi service from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I had asked him if he was licenced with […]
A fond farewell to my faithful readers
On this stormy Thursday night, I have saved my hardest article for last… It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to my dedicated readers of the Lucknow Sentinel and Kincardine News. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each and everyone of you in the past three years. I have loved growing […]
Crokinole report
May 18 Five tables of players enjoyed an evening of crokinole at the Chesley Fire Hall on Wednesday, May 18. Competition for the men was very close with Dan Hepburn coming out on top with 57, Neil Cook had 56 and Clare Kuepfer was third with 54. Neil topped the twenties with 39, Clare […]
Letter to the Editor: re: Latest NWMO “studies”
Reading through the latest municipal/NWMO flyer, how do they come up with the projected numbers of employees whom they claim will choose to live in South Bruce? Several larger towns with many amenities are just a short drive away. Why do they assume these employees will choose to live in South Bruce? How many of […]
Purple Grove news
We hope everyone had a safe and happy long weekend. Monday’s sun is a welcome sight but we are thankful for the rain to help the grain germinate and grow. And, isn’t it so nice to see the trees with their spring foliage. Thanks to everyone who hosted a garage sale at the Ripley Wide […]
Legion Corner
Did you know our Legion is a heritage building? Stop by and enjoy the architecture inside and out. It is beautiful! There are pamphlets available explaining our history. You are welcome to take a tour through out the building. Did you also know that we have a number of health care aids such as wheelchairs, […]
Letter to the Editor: NWMO encourages residents to review new community studies
We have reached another important milestone in the site selection process to build Canada’s deep geological repository to safely contain and isolate used nuclear fuel. Beginning this month and throughout the year, a variety of community studies related to the SON-South Bruce siting area are being released. The studies work to address many of the […]