Bervie W. I. Report

Bervie Women’s Institute met via Zoom on Wed. Feb. 2nd. President Janice Hewitt opened the meeting with a poem “The Value of a Smile” followed by Betty Jean White playing & everyone singing O Canada and the opening ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect.  Twelve members answered the roll call “Something I celebrate in […]

Letter to the Editor: Sweden shows leadership and environmental stewardship with repository decision

At the end of January, the Swedish Government decided to greenlight the country’s deep geological repository and take responsibility for used nuclear fuel. The federal approval will allow the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) to proceed with building a repository deep underground at Forsmark in the Municipality of Östhammar. Sweden’s Minister of […]

Purple Grove News

We hope everyone enjoyed the sunny days that we have had lately. I know the farm families have had issues with frozen water lines in the barns and some homes.  Please stay safe when you are thawing out those pipes.Happy Birthday to Rhett Bridge who is one now – Cheryl and Carman’s grandson. to Elijah […]

Letter to the Editor: re: Exposing the misinformation

A recent letter to the editor was submitted by Sandy Greer which named me personally at least 7 times. Why the letter attacked me directly, rather than simply the information I presented, will be addressed at the end of this letter, but there are some other points to be clarified. I am proud of being […]

Letter to the Editor: On risk and choice

Dear Editor, In the discussion regarding the proposed Deep Geological Repository (DGR) in South Bruce, it has been suggested that the decision to host the project is about risk and choice.  I agree.  Like all great opportunities, there is a choice to be made, and like all choices, there is an element of risk.  I […]

Purple Grove News

January 12th, Purple Grove Women’s Institute met via Zoom, Marilyn Reid  was hostess. President Cheryl Bridge welcomed the attendees and shared  two readings “Walk Away” and “Life has taught me.” We also repeated our  Mary Stewart Collect and Ode. A short business meeting  was followed by  announcements of WI news.  We are pleased to congratulate […]

Win-Win for all

Letter to the Editor: I think the community does not know this opportunity exists. There are a few posters around and our web-site has information about our 50-50 but the word and purpose is not out there to all of our folks and its importance needs to be understood by all. In spite of the […]

Letter to the Editor: Exposing the misinformation that DGRs are the internationally accepted practice

In a recently published letter by Sheila Whytock, titled “Internationally accepted practice? Yup!”, she continues to discredit any criticism of the proposed NWMO DGR. She accuses the critics of “creating fear and confusion,” suggesting they misrepresent scientific conclusions. It is time that she took her own advice, because her selected examples which attempt to demonstrate […]

U.S., Canada both claim dairy victory

Both Canadian and U.S. officials claimed victory in the first-ever trade dispute adjudicated under terms of the two-year-old Canada U.S. Mexico trade agreement (CUSMA) over U.S. complaints about Canadian dairy import practices under the new deal. Both claims cite ruling details but how can both be true? On the one hand, the three-person panel’s findings, […]