Letters to the Editor: Feb. 16

No leadership here Prime Minister Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act to disperse all the “protesters.” For this, he has received praise from some quarters. Why? That should have been done by Day 2. Leadership by our PM? Hardly Robert Drummond, Exeter Protesters, go home Where was CSIS over the last year? What is going on […]

Letters to the Editor: Feb. 15

Tough for walkers I am in complete agreement with Thomas Allen’s letter to the editor Sidewalk dangerous (Feb. 11). Last week, I chose to walk Pall Mall and Piccadilly streets between Adelaide and Wellington streets and, like Allen, spent much time trudging through slush, being careful on ice or dodging large puddles by climbing on […]

Letters to the Editor: Feb. 12

Endgame hard to see While we are all tired of the necessary limits put on our lives by COVID, I am at a loss to figure out what the Ottawa and border protesters think they will accomplish. The protests at the borders are restricting the work of their own colleagues, truckers. They all protest mandates […]

Letters to the Editor: Feb. 11

Wilful obstruction From what I can see with all the protests going on, many laws are being broken and the people breaking them are not being charged. Protest all you want, but do not block roadways, businesses and border crossings. Protest along the side of the road. We can see and hear you quite well […]

Letters to the Editor: Feb. 10

Racist element in protest disturbing Truckers provide an essential service. If you ate today, thank a farmer and a trucker. The occupation in Ottawa by a small percentage of truckers and others is wrong and its racist element disturbs most Canadians. My hope is for the end of this pandemic and more unity among Canadians. […]

Letters to the Editor: Feb. 9

Kudos to truckers Kudos to the truck drivers and all who participated in the convoy this past weekend. Prime Minster Justin Trudeau’s last mandate was the straw that broke the camel’s back and prompted them to ‘ignite the spirit of freedom in Canada.’ Tens of thousands of people from all parts of Canada cheered them […]

Letters to the Editor: Feb. 5

Longer signals After a recent incident, detailed in my letter to the editor Show some patience, decency motorists (Jan. 15), I contacted city hall about the duration of the walk signal at Richmond and Grosvenor streets. The walk signal to cross Richmond at Grosvenor is 18 seconds but the city agreed to extend it to […]

Letters to the Editor: Feb. 4

O’Toole too nice for cut-throat politics It appears as if the Conservative Party resembles Jeff Bezos’ interpretation of business: “You pursue small companies the way a cheetah pursues a sickly gazelle.” Erin O’Toole was pursued by his own caucus. He didn’t bow to either the social conservatives or the progressives, which was political suicide. The […]

Letters to the Editor: Feb. 1

Help health workers I have been in hospital for almost two weeks with a condition not related to COVID, for which I am triple-vaccinated. I am witnessing the overworked, stressed, abused nurses, doctors, PSWs, medical technicians, support workers — everyone Premier Doug Ford and anti-vaxxers ignore with disrespectful and self-centred protests. Ford should thank our […]