Letters to the Editor: April 14, 2022

So what about those other mandates? The provincial government imposed mask mandates to protect Ontario from a deadly, spreading virus that can kill. And it proved it worked to save lives. Now it’s up to Ontario citizens to be accountable for their own well-being with the freedom of choice whether to wear a mask or […]

Letters to the Editor: April 9, 2022

Masks still needed Re: Masks needed in grocery, drugstores (April 2). I am disgusted that even though corporations are permitted to set their own rules, many companies choose to ignore the risks of not mandating their employees to mask up. I was in the produce section at Metro recently and witnessed employees chatting, no masks, […]

Letters to the Editor: April 8, 2022

Leave dam open I think the idea of refurbishing the Springbank Dam to raise river levels for recreation, mostly for the London Canoe Club, is ridiculous. I am an avid river angler and I have noticed a difference in the health and overall appearance of the river without the dam. If canoe club members really […]

Letters to the Editor: April 7, 2022

Congrats to council Re: London councillors unite behind climate action plan (April 5/6) This decision is both practical and visionary. The associated action plan is challenging but doable. With implementation, we will all be well served over time. Love the idea of a solar- powered battery taxi boat service from Springbank Park to the Forks […]

Letters to the Editor: April 6, 2022

How about a break on cellphone rates? Seems the governments, provincial and federal, are doling out cash hand over fist for many worthwhile programs and projects. Assistance to the auto industry is huge. It may seem like small potatoes and insignificant in the big picture, but I sure could use a little assistance with my […]

Letters to the Editor: April 5, 2022

Public service? Re: Task force recommends automatic annual pay raises for city councillors (April 2). The article states that being a councillor is a public service. I wonder how many would do this public service without being paid. A James D. Lush, London Dental care might result in wait list Letter writer Mark Walker (Move […]

Letters to the Editor: April 2, 2022

Don’t allow new zoo Re: Reptilia exotic zoo already on ‘city radar’ (March 22). Why would London allow a zoo, reptile or not, in our city? Hasn’t this already been rejected by city council? I am a former chair of the London Humane Society and a former director of the Ontario Society for the Prevention […]