Tag: Growing Concerns
Growing Concerns: Arrange garden around focal points
Focal points are features in the yard or garden meant to attract attention.
Growing Concerns: Do homework before hiring landscapers
This is the time of year when landscape companies start sending out their quotes.
Growing Concerns: Front walkways more formal that backyard paths
With this warm weather and the lack of snow, everyone wants to be in the garden.
Growing Concerns: Stop dreaming and start planning your garden
I have been talking and dreaming about gardening over the last few weeks. Now it’s time to start planning.
Growing Concerns: Too early for raking, but not too early to service lawnmower
When it was so mild this past weekend, I saw lots of folks working outside.
Growing Concerns: Mandevilles can suffer from too much care
I am going to answer another question this week:
Growing Concerns: Stress orchids to force reblooming
There are lots of different thoughts on how to grow orchids and not everyone will agree.
Growing Concerns: Take advantage of tropical plant sales
This past weekend I had a chance to visit my favourite garden centre and guess what? They had a sale on tropical plants.
Growing Concerns: Houseplants need special care in winter
As it gets colder, our homes change as well. This can take a toll on plants. Have you ever noticed that this time of year our houseplants look haggard, losing leaves and changing colour. One thing that I learned the hard way is just how rough a furnace is on our plants. I grew up […]
Growing Concerns: Give neglected houseplants a little love
Does your house look empty after all the holiday decorations have been put away?