London Free Press

Fentanyl dealer who dodged manslaughter charge gets house arrest

8 min read

The smudging ceremony in the courtroom before Craig French was sentenced for fentanyl trafficking aimed to honour ancestors and cleanse bodies and minds. The ceremony is rarely seen in the Superior Court of Justice. Before it began, there was an explanation how the Indigenous ceremony was considered to be “sacred medicine and enlightenment” for all […]

London Free Press

London police chief urged to ‘set record straight’ on safe supply programs

8 min read

The jump in opioid pills hitting London’s streets started when several pharmacies began dispensing them, the health unit says, a finding that suggests federal Conservatives and other critics targeting the older Safer Opioid Supply (SOS) program are missing the mark. “There was a notable increase in hydromorphone prescribing from 2023 onward. There was not a […]