Owen Sound Sun Times

Georgian Bluffs goes over first draft of short-term rental program

5 min read

Georgian Bluffs council has been presented the first draft of a short-term rental accommodations licensing program.  At its committee of the whole meeting on Wednesday, council supported the first draft with some feedback on potential adjustments. The plan is for the final framework to be presented for council’s approval in September. The licensing program would […]

Owen Sound Sun Times

Bequest by Elwood Moore estate to inspire conservation among youth

6 min read

A bequest from the estate of Elwood Moore will ensure his commitment to conservation and environmental education in Grey and Bruce counties inspires others to do the same.  The Grey Sauble Conservation Foundation recently announced the bequest, which will support its Environmental Awareness and Education Fund, reflecting Moore’s passion for educating individuals of all ages […]

Column Goderich Signal Star Opinion

RCAF Centralia Cold War crashes

8 min read

As a NATO country sandwiched between the U.S. and U.S.S.R., Canada never had the option of neutrality during the Cold War. The threat of nuclear war meant that humankind was just minutes away from annihilation. Huron County’s Cold War contributions were two air stations. RCAF Station Clinton was Canada’s radar school, while student pilots trained […]