London Free Press

One-time acting CEO exits London Health Sciences Centre

5 min read

London Health Sciences Centre is losing another top executive, the fourth member of its leadership team to part ways with the hospital in as many months.   Kevin Chan, the hospital’s vice-president of medicine, research and academics and the former acting president and chief executive of LHSC, is stepping down from his role effective Monday.  […]

LHSC London Free Press

The fraud investigation at London Health Sciences Centre needs to move quickly to safeguard public trust and staff morale, but the Ontario government also has to act, the Opposition health critic at Q

6 min read

The fraud investigation at London Health Sciences Centre needs to move quickly to safeguard public trust and staff morale, but the Ontario government also has to act, the Opposition health critic at Queen’s Park said Monday. The investigation grabbed the attention of France Gelinas who said she’s concerned patients and workers, including doctors and nurses, […]