Owen Sound Sun Times

Bequest by Elwood Moore estate to inspire conservation among youth

6 min read

A bequest from the estate of Elwood Moore will ensure his commitment to conservation and environmental education in Grey and Bruce counties inspires others to do the same.  The Grey Sauble Conservation Foundation recently announced the bequest, which will support its Environmental Awareness and Education Fund, reflecting Moore’s passion for educating individuals of all ages […]

Durham hospital closing its ER at night this weekend

Durham hospital’s emergency department will be closed Saturday and Sunday night due to an ongoing staff shortage. Both days the emergency department will be closed between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. the next day. Last Sunday the emergency department was also closed overnight on short notice due to staff calling in sick. The latest closure […]

Officials tell meeting future of Chesley hospital in doubt without ER

People concerned about their local hospital filled the Chesley Community Centre Tuesday night. At least 300 people crammed in to hear what the hospital administration plans to do after the current two-month full emergency department closure, due to a shortage of nursing staff, ends Dec. 2. Citizens vented fears, pointed fingers, offered suggestions and sent […]

More emergency room closures in Chesley, Walkerton

Chesley hospital’s emergency department will be closed tonight, Sunday and Monday night, from 5 p.m. until 7 the next morning due to staff shortages. Walkerton hospital’s emergency department will close Monday at 8 p.m. and re-open at 7 the next morning. Both South Bruce Grey Health Centre hospitals have been forced to close “due to […]

Staff shortage could force GBHS rural ER’s to temporarily close

Grey Bruce Health Services warned Thursday of possible temporary closures of emergency departments at any of its rural sites due to staff shortages. The hospital corporation issued a news release to announce the prospect of closing the emergency department in Lion’s Head, Wiarton, Southampton, Meaford or Markdale due particularly to physician shortages but also nursing […]