The text messages found on Daniel Fawcett’s cell phone appeared to leave a breadcrumb trail to follow to his final…
Londoner among 100+ charged in online child exploitation sweep
A London man is among the more than 100 people charged in a Canada-wide crackdown on online child exploitation, police…
London Knights star Cam Allen gets fine, probation for drunk driving
A star London Knights defenceman has pleaded guilty and been sentenced for impaired driving after a crash in southwest London.…
The Tesla Ethicist: Should I Sell My Tesla EV To Protest Musk’s Government Interference?
In this edition of the Tesla Ethicist, we weigh in on the degree to which our consumer spending reflects our…
Man sentenced in Owen Sound to life for murder of Toronto woman in ‘the very worst of intimate partner violence’
Judge says she wanted murderer to hear impact on family