Category: Health
What Happens When Menu Design Accentuates Plant-Based Choices?
Given the higher footprint of meat-based food consumption, plant-based foods are better choices in so many ways. Yet it’s been difficult to inspire diners to choose vegetables and fruits when they’re ready to order. Could menu design affect the way that people choose their meals? Yes, it does, says new … [continued]
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Could Microplastics Become A Thing Of The Past With New Supramolecular Plastics?
Supramolecular chemistry, also known as “chemistry beyond the molecule,” focuses on the study of molecular recognition and high-order assemblies formed by noncovalent interactions. It’s in the news lately due to a study that focuses on solving the problem of plastic degradation into microplastics. Supramolecular plastics — polymers with structures held … [continued]
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US Brain Drain
With all kinds of disruptions in the US since Donald Trump took office, there’s reportedly a serious case of “brain drain” underway in the country. We’ve had reports of it even from some of our readers, but there are broader stories out there of professors and students at universities and … [continued]
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Letters to the Editor: March 21, 2025
A Free Press reader felt it was harsh when a letter writer said hospital workers “are horrible and don’t care.”
Price Gouging Is Everywhere — From EVs To Eggs And Presidential Golf Excursions
“I’ll lower your costs on Day 1,” candidate Donald J. Trump exclaimed. Instead, we’re experiencing price gouging and cuts to everyday services. In the same way that we’re not supposed to pay attention to the man behind the curtain in the White House, US residents aren’t expected to be able … [continued]
The post Price Gouging Is Everywhere — From EVs To Eggs And Presidential Golf Excursions appeared first on CleanTechnica.