Category: Grey County
Victorian ‘obsession’ with death presented in Grey Roots exhibit
Visitors to Grey Roots will see how funeral customs have changed since the Victorians. The centrrpiece of the museum’s new exhibit, “Going Out in Style,” is a professionally restored horse-drawn hearse carriage used until the 1940s in Grey County. It’s among 130 artefacts and images from the museum’s collection used in the exhibit. The exhibit focuses […]
Grey County’s climate initiatives manager to speak at Owen Sound Library
Grey County’s climate initiatives manager is hosting a Climate Action Information Session at the Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library on Wednesday, Feb. 5, at 1 p.m. In 2022, Grey County unveiled its climate action plan, “Going Green in Grey, 2022-2050,” after several community consultations. “One of the key concepts of that plan […]
GB Arts co-founder says Grey County breaking makerspace promise
Grey County’s Sydenham Campus “makerspace” is competing with Georgian Bay School of the Arts and could put it out of business, the GB Arts’ co-founder said. Alan McIntosh said the makerspace within Grey County’s regional skills training hub is breaking a county promise to not run arts and craft courses, which are his GB Arts’ […]
Grey County officials have fingers crossed after ROMA
Grey County pitched health-care, transit and other requests to provincial officials at the Rural Ontario Municipal Association conference in Toronto last week. Now, they wait. Thursday at county council, the county’s deputy chief administrative officer, Randy Scherzer, summarized the meetings county staff and councillors had with senior Ontario government officials. The county asked the Ministry […]
Grey County passes on provincial encampment-removal funding
Grey County did not apply for provincial funding to remove homeless encampments but it is seeking money to build more rental housing. A memo to county council Thursday from community services director Anne Marie Shaw said the county had the opportunity to apply for Encampment Response Initiative funding, but the program didn’t suit the county’s […]