Category: Columnists
Baranyai: Feeding vaccine hesitancy amid measles outbreak irresponsible
Measles is one of the most contagious diseases on Earth. The only way to contain it is vaccination uptake of least 95 per cent.
Dyer: Philippines drama first step in long journey
If the ultimate goal is to build a global civilization that respects individual rights, we are still a very long way from the Promised Land
Carstairs: Canadians must come together to fight resurgence of measles
Canadians must bond to fight the growing spread of measles, and the best way to do that is by vaccination, two experts say
Cornies: Our cross-border friendship is getting complex
We’re still neighbours with the U.S., but trust, respect and friendships are in peril
Dyer: Syria’s road to peace still several generations long
You can blame the European colonial powers for redrawing the borders in the region in 1918-20 after the collapse of the Ottoman empire.