Clean Technica Climate change

How China’s Sinopec Is Escaping The Gas Utility Death Spiral — And Why The West Should Follow

8 min read

When Sinopec, China’s sprawling petroleum giant, decided to start drilling geothermal wells instead of oil wells, it was initially greeted with skepticism. Geothermal? Renewable energy? Surely not the first place you’d expect an oil-and-gas colossus to stake its future. But Sinopec wasn’t dabbling. True to form, the company went straight … [continued]

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Clean Technica Climate change

Geothermal & Heat Pumps Are Quietly Undermining Fossil Industrial Heat

9 min read

Industrial heat has always been the awkward uncle at the decarbonization dinner table. Loud, a bit old-fashioned, and responsible for about 20% of global carbon emissions, but nobody really wants to talk about him. The climate conversation has been dominated by glitzier topics like electric vehicles and green hydrogen, the … [continued]

The post Geothermal & Heat Pumps Are Quietly Undermining Fossil Industrial Heat appeared first on CleanTechnica.

Clean Technica Climate change

Debunking The Myth: Hydrogen Will Not Dominate The Transportation Sector

6 min read

The belief that hydrogen will dominate the transportation sector is rooted in optimism rather than evidence. It appeals to the imagination but collapses under scrutiny. In practice, hydrogen is being decisively outpaced by two more efficient and cost-effective alternatives: battery electric vehicles and advanced biofuels. The appeal of hydrogen may … [continued]

The post Debunking The Myth: Hydrogen Will Not Dominate The Transportation Sector appeared first on CleanTechnica.