Business Cares Food Drive brings in over 550,000 lbs of food

Rising inflation, soaring food costs, and ongoing pandemic related challenges didn’t stand in the way of the generosity of Londoners.

The Business Cares Food Drive wrapped up on Wednesday with officials announcing 550,650 lbs of food were donated over the four week campaign. While the total didn’t reach last year’s of over 588,000 lbs of food, it was still an impressive haul given the current economic pressures.

“Though we may not have broken our previous records, we can honestly say that this year’s campaign is an unqualified success,” said food drive Campaign Chair Wayne Dunn. “We know Londoners are struggling with the ongoing ramifications of COVID, employment challenges, and issues caused by inflation and higher costs of living. But despite all that, Londoners showed the depth of their resolve to support those who need it most.”

The total announced on Wednesday factors in cash and cheque donations made toward the 23rd annual food drive. All of the donations will go to the London Food Bank and the over 30 programs and organizations that it supports.

“Each and every year, I talk to the campaign team and say that we’re thrilled with anything that we receive,” said Jane Roy, co-director of the London Food Bank. “It’s not about being humble; it’s a reality that reflects the times we live in.”

Last month, the food bank experienced record high demand for its services and year-over-year it has seen the number of families coming through its doors jump 32 per cent.

“The agencies with whom we work and support are [also] seeing increased need from the community,” said Roy. “Yet results like today show how wonderfully strong and supportive our community is. We’re truly honoured by the support and Londoners’ donations are going to have a huge impact on so many people’s lives.”

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