2022 Municipal election preview: Southgate

The township of Southgate has two candidates running for mayor in the upcoming municipal election.

Current mayor John Woodbury is not seeking re-election. Those seeking to replace him are current deputy mayor Brian Milne, and current councillor Michael Sherson.

Milne is a former mayor of Southgate, winning election in 2010 before being defeated in 2014. He then successfully ran to be Deputy Mayor in 2018 and is once again seeking the top seat. Milne said  housing, roads, transportation and healthcare are top of mind for voters he’s talked to since announcing his candidacy.

“Those are things we’ve been working on and that we’ve had some measure of success with,” said Milne.

Milne also feels that the two ends of the municipality seem to have different issues that are top of mind as they go to the polls.

“On the east end, we have the influence of the Greater Toronto Area. Housing seems to be the big thing in Dundalk. On the west end, what I hear more about is the transportation corridor, i.e. roads.”

He said if elected, these issues will be discussed and examined closely and in a fashion that best represents all of those that currently live within the municipality.

Michael Sherson was elected as a councillor in 2018, and echoed Milne’s comments that Southgate must begin to repair its roadways.

“The growth of Southgate has exceeded a lot of people’s expectations” Sherson said, noting, “I’m pretty sure if someone told you ten years ago that Dundalk was growing at a rate of 200 houses per year, they probably would have laughed at a politician, but that’s what’s actually happening.”

“We are falling behind on some of the infrastructure” Sherson said. “Our schools are over-capacity. We need to train some more jobs, get more businesses in the area so people have more options.”

Voters will go to the polls in Southgate on Monday, October 24th.

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