Q+A: London Majors manager Roop Chanderdat looks ahead to IBL playoffs

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As the playoffs loom, London Majors manager Roop Chanderdat looks back on the season and looks ahead to a potential championship run.

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The London Majors wrapped up the Intercounty Baseball League season on Wednesday night with a 4-3 over Guelph, finishing 26-16 and in third place overall. Before the game, manager and co-owner Roop Chanderdat spoke with LFP’s Noah Brennan about the season so far and the playoffs ahead, which start Friday night at Labatt Park

Q: What has been the biggest surprise of the regular season?

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A: I don’t want to say there’s any big surprises. We’ve had a lot of injuries. So maybe the biggest surprise is our depth has really come through because of all the injuries. A lot of the young guys have stepped up.

Q: Any disappointments this season?

A: I don’t think there’s been any as far as disappointments. It’s baseball and you have your ups and downs. We battled all year long.

Q: How realistic is it to expect a league championship for the Majors this year?

A: It’s always realistic. That’s your goal when you start every season and that’s still the goal today. We’re a team that’s two wins away from finishing second (in the regular season). We’ve played well all year so we’re right in the mix and that’s all you’ve got to be. If you’re in the mix, you have a chance. So right now we’re in the mix and our goal is to win the championship.

Q: How are you feeling right now compared to previous years?

A: Since I’ve been coaching, we’ve maybe had two down years. Every year, we’re right there. We’re one of the teams that are vying for a championship. We’re in the mix and we’re going to keep playing and try to win a championship for fans in our city.

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Q: You were 15-6 at Labatt Park, only 11-10 on the road. What works so well for you at home?

A: Playing at Labatt Park (and) playing in front of our fans, the atmosphere really brings out the best in our players. But also, we know it brings out the best in the other team. The guys come ready to play. I always say it’s our house and we want to protect that home field.

Q: It seems Welland is the runaway No. 1 team. What would it take to beat them in a playoff series?

A: You’ve got to play good, fundamental baseball. You’re going to have to do all the things: hit, pitch and play good defence to beat that team. They’re a top team for a reason, but I think this year is the tightest it’s been. Competition is stiff and it shows every night on the scoreboard.

Q: Thinking about this year’s team, what would you say are their biggest strengths?

A: Our strength this year, like I said earlier, it’s been our depth. We’ve had a lot to overcome, a lot of injuries. Our depth has been one of our strengths, both pitching- and position-wise. The other strength is the guys winning games (when) we don’t have our . . . number one line-up in. We found ways to win this year. We’re battle tested. We’ve been playing . . . playoff baseball here for the last month. So I think that’ll help us here in the stretch driving into the playoffs.

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Q: What is your main focus going into the playoffs?

A: Getting healthy and playing solid baseball is what we’re preaching right now. We want to get everyone healthy and get everyone pulling the rope in the right direction, so making everyone feel good about themselves and about their game. That’s kind of my focus right now with the team.

Q: How is morale amongst the players?

A: Incredible. Same as it’s been all year. We’re a close-knit team. The guys are always positive, they enjoy coming to the park and playing for each other and putting on the Majors uniform. The morale is kind of the same all year. At this time of the year you get a little more laser-focused because it’s a stretch-drive/playoff time.


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