Letters to the Editor: August 7, 2024

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Coverage biased

The article Battlefield London: This city’s progressive stance may be shifting amid an increasingly toxic political fight over the nationwide opioid crisis (July 27) about Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre’s visit to London, was totally biased.

There were no interviews with anyone who would agree with him about tougher drug-control laws, just statements from liberals who disagree with him.

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Ironically, the story says: “And at a news conference Thursday, London media refused to back down in the face of Poilievre’s accusations reporters were biased in coverage of safe supply, continuing to ask pointed questions about the Conservative stand.”

Your article proved Poilievre was right.

Patrick Bestall, London

Celebrate them all

I watch the Olympics and all athletes are proud to represent their country.

What an honour to display the Maple Leaf.

I can’t imagine the time, effort and sacrifices to get to that level.

Yet, we don’t seem to celebrate our athletes. Sure, we hear about the winners, but what about all the others? Some may have set personal best results or set new Canadian records.

They all compete for Canada, so we should congratulate all of them.

The media should report the results for all Canadians and where they’re from.

The achievement is getting to the Olympics and the world stage. A medal is just dessert.

Let’s recognize the preparation and meal itself.

Tom Pint, London

Be responsible

Last week, our six-month-old puppy began exhibiting behaviour that was unusual and alarming. When we arrived at the emergency animal hospital, they knew immediately what the problem was because it is so common.

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We were caught completely by surprise when we were told our puppy had ingested cannabis during its walk in our neighbourhood. We recognize cannabis is legal in Canada, but we are hoping to raise awareness about the responsibility cannabis users have to safely dispose of these products. Improperly discarded cannabis products can be harmful to pets.

Our little pup has recovered fully since. Unfortunately, as a result of this experience, its walks are not as enjoyable and carefree as before, because of the hyper-vigilance required to ensure this does not happen again.

Lisa Simpson, Ottawa

Wrong priorities

For goodness sake and common sense, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should quit wasting money on stupid, frivolous gestures that do nothing for anyone except the woke and properly prepare our armed forces to protect our sovereignty.

How about creating a new industry building ships and equipment for the military?

Sorry, I forgot. He spent our billions on batteries. But this way, the money would stay here, create jobs, and protect our country.

John Hutchins, Caledon

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