Tag: Wisconsin
On Lake Michigan, a coal-fired steamship and ferry eyes a clean-energy future | Great Lakes Now
By Kelly House, Bridge Michigan
The Great Lakes News Collaborative includes Bridge Michigan; Circle of Blue; Great Lakes Now at Detroit Public Television; and Michigan Public, Michigan’s NPR News Leader; who work together to bring audiences news and information about the impact of climate change, pollution, and aging infrastructure on the Great Lakes and drinking water.
COMMENTARY: Enbridge poses an existential threat to the Great Lakes – Great Lakes Commission
Enbridge Line 5 has spilled 35 times, releasing over 1.3 million gallons of toxic oil. Extending the 70-year-old Line 5 pipeline through the company’s proposed re-route is not a solution. Read […]
Former state toxicologist says nitrate drinking water standards are too lax | Great Lakes Now
By Henry Redman, Wisconsin Examiner
A former Wisconsin state toxicologist who was involved in creating the state’s nitrate standards for drinking water in the 1980s alleges the science that has informed those standards for decades is deeply flawed and the standards should be stricter.
Dave Belluck, who worked as a toxicologist for multiple states and the federal government, says that “the science is the science” and regulating agencies, including the U.S.