
Popular Varney swimming hole will remain closed this summer

A favourite swimming hole in Varney will remain closed this summer while the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority continues to review public safety concerns and seek environment approvals from several agencies to divert water from Camp Creek. The SCVA originally closed the swimming pond at the Varney Conservation Area in 2023 as a precautionary measure following […]

Grandfather handed Varney Pond to SVCA for public swimming, family says

A Varney resident says her grandfather gave the Varney Pond site to the conservation authority for $1 decades ago, with the stipulation that it remain open for public swimming. The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority announced last week that it has closed the pond until further notice for “public safety and environmental protection.” “We don’t think […]

Petition calls on conservation authority to reopen Varney Pond

Varney’s beloved swimming hole will not be filled this year due mainly to safety concerns and will remain closed until further notice, the general manager of the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority said Wednesday. That’s not sitting well with some people who have been signing a petition to reopen the popular swimming area. The pond in […]