London Free Press

London police chief outlines new protocol for vetting international trips

3 min read

London’s police chief defended the need for international training missions while outlining his new procedure for vetting trips abroad. Chief Thai Truong briefed the city’s police services board on the new framework for vetting and approving trips by police employees outside Canada for training and conferences. “If we’re trying to make sure that this community […]

City seeking comment on community garden policies

After council turned down a community garden in a small city park near Hillcrest Elementary School due to community concerns in July 2021, council resolved to update city policy on these gardens. City staff have come up with a draft update, which eliminates the park in question, Stobbe Park, on 5th Avenue A West, a […]

Hydrogen Optimized hoping for buy-Canadian green tech policy

Hydrogen Optimized president Andrew Stuart wonders if Canadian policymakers are thinking big enough to really leverage green-energy potential for economic growth. Are they aiming to develop a homegrown hydrogen-production industry or will people who utilize new federal tax credits use them buy foreign-made technology? And does the government appreciate the potential for exporting that technology? […]