Agriculture Great Lakes Now Michigan

Cattle Production That Enhances Water and Environmental Quality | Great Lakes Now

7 min read

Cattle Production That Enhances Water and Environmental Quality

By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue

LAKE CITY, MI – Two facts about Michigan agriculture are scarcely recognized outside the fences and beyond the drainage ditches of the state’s 45,000 farms. The first: farming is among the most technologically sophisticated industrial sectors in Michigan and every other state.

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Great Lakes Now

Great Lakes Learning: Solar power in every season | Great Lakes Now

3 min read

Great Lakes Learning: Solar power in every season

This lesson will explore the phenomenon of seasonal changes in sunlight in the Great Lakes and why that presents challenges to the adoption of solar sources as a renewable energy solution. While the Great Lakes region may not have as many sunny days as San Diego, the capacity for solar energy to be a viable source of power in the Great Lakes remains strong.

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