Purple Grove news

And another week goes by, spring is coming by the number of birds that are back, and the projects that need attention!  It’s good to keep busy. Did you wear your Tartan on April 7th?  Somehow I think there’s alot of farmer tartan out there,  so put your plaid on folks! Congratulations to the  Huron-Bruce Blizzard Bantamn […]

Bervie W. I. report

President Janice Hewitt opened the April 6th Zoom meeting of the Bervie Women’s Institute with the poem “Spring”, O Canada, the Mary Stewart Collect and the Opening Ode. Twelve members answered the roll call with a joke and payment of fees.  Betty Jean White read the minutes of the last meeting and Islay Eby gave […]

OPG​ in Bruce County – Community Update – April 2022

You’ve got mail: Any day now, 39,000 households in the Bruce area will get Canada Post’s delivery of the 2022 edition of Neighbours, a four-page newsletter for people living near Ontario Power Generation (OPG) facilities at the Bruce nuclear site. It’s part of OPG’s commitment to keep people informed about our activities, in the communities where we […]

Letter to the Editor: How NWMO targets communities

When NWMO announced that they had bought land outside Teeswater, the rumours soon started “there must be money involved or are people being paid to promote this nuclear waste repository at all cost?” Freedom of Information documents from when NWMO targeted Pinehouse, from 2010-2013, gives insight into how “trusted” people in that community were (targeted) […]

Letter to the Editor: Sincerest apologies

This statement is in reference to the allegations stemming from the MOK Council Meeting on April 4 2022. I sincerely apologize to the entire community and to all impacted by my actions. It was not my intention to offend or discriminate. I was frustrated with myself for personal reasons when I openly commented to myself. […]

Legion Corner

Sunday April 24th will be the branch elections and general membership meeting in the hall at 2pm. I encourage all members to come out on this day. This will be the first time we have been able to have elections since Covid began. Please make sure your dues are paid up and you have your […]

Purple Grove News

Welcome to spring everyone!  March perhaps came in like a lion and certainly left like a roaring lion. We’ve had a real test on the weather this past week and noticing some of our heritage barns sure taking a beating.  The syrup season is well underway and looks like a great run and the taste […]

Letter to the Editor: Action must be taken

I am writing today as a resident of Kincardine to express my utmost outrage, disgust, and disappointment at the comments I heard during Monday Night’s Municipal Council meeting. Councillor Cuyler’s (comment) was a disgusting display of bigotry, misogyny, and sexism. I cannot think of any setting where it would be appropriate to verbally assault someone […]

Borehole tours in South Bruce source of inspiration

Recently, the NWMO partnered with the Municipality of South Bruce to host a group of young adults interested in Canada’s plan for the long-term management of used nuclear fuel. The group was able to tour the borehole sites and ask detailed questions of one of the NWMO scientists who specializes in the safety case for […]

Legion Corner

Trivia was a great success last month and fun was had by everyone. The next trivia night will be April 29th. We will once again be having preregistration starting on April 18th at noon at the legion bar, $5 per person 8 people maximum per team, only 18 teams will be allowed. PROVINCIAL SERVICE OFFICER […]