Legion Corner

Catch the Ace tickets are available from retailers on Thursday afternoons. Those retailers are the Legion Bar, Jean’s Family Restaurant, Edward Fuels, Sleeper’s Bed Gallery, and Instyle Hair Studio, they are $5.00 each. You must have a new ticket for the draw each week. Good Luck everyone. Peter and The Elegants are coming back to […]

Letter to the Editor: Ukraine fundraiser now called ‘games day’

Dear Editor:One week after submitting a letter to the Editor telling everyone there would be a large number of crokinole players attending the Walkerton Knights of Columbus Hall on April 30th to raise money for the heroic citizens of Ukraine there is a couple of changes.  The first change is there will be three different […]

Response to COVID-19 pandemic

Two years ago this week, the first cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Grey-Bruce and the government of Ontario declared a state of emergency, effectively marking the start of the pandemic both locally and provincially. We’ve come so far over the course of the pandemic and are now at a point where nearly all public […]

Letter to the Editor: Worried about our future

I would like to thank Mr. Chuck Eady of Kincardine for his random acts of “kindness” in evicting 30 senior citizens from their home at Malcolm Place Retirement Residence. These residents are all in their 80’s and 90’s and will be homeless. And also for precipitating the wealth of loving nursing and care staff at […]

Letter to the Editor: Study common links as part of water safety

I have just reviewed the potential safety/water wise improvements for station beach. Looks like the initiative has addressed the postings of dangerous riptide conditions in a thorough manner. I am wondering if during the process improvement, if there was some emphasis put toward the drowning profiles, ie: age of victim , background origin, respect for […]

Letter to the Editor: The time to Ukraine is NOW

Dear Editor The last couple of Sunday’s money was collected by Peter & Jo-Ann Carter for Ukraine from Sacred Heart Teeswater Parishioners.  We successfully raised $412 from those who wish to give plus one pledge from Walkerton and two from Hanover one of which was our 14 year old grandson who gave us $10 after […]

Legion Corner

Wear your green for the meat draw on Saturday March 19 as we will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day that afternoon. The first meat draw will be at 3pm with the 50/50 draw taking place at 5pm. Get a group of friends together and enjoy the afternoon. You must show your QR code at the […]

Letter to the Editor: Manufactured “willingness”

In February we took part in the Agriculture “Impact” Study. Very quickly we discovered the real purpose of the study wasn’t about our concerns over how this would negatively affect agriculture, but rather a push for us to suggest what variety of carrots the NWMO can offer us. The repeated requests that we provide answers […]

Purple Grove news

Spring is just around the corner, some would say, especially when folks have seen the return of Robins and Gold Finches lately.  Have you noticed that there are quite a few pairs of Bald Eagles and Red Tailed Hawks in the vicinity as well.   Our resident Cotton Tail Bunny has been spotted at our window […]

Letter to the Editor: Welcome to South Bruce

Welcome to the Municipality of South Bruce, a community working under the authorization of the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO). Is this the future for South Bruce? Did you know that the NWMO “near term Investment” in South Bruce, is paying for an expansion of the wastewater treatment plant, purchasing a compactor for the two […]